Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Recent travels and some updates

I've been absent from Travelling without Moving for almost a month - I apologise for that. I got into a bit of tight spot at work for my travel writing on the Travelstart blog as apparently I was in breach of a clause in my contract, which led to a decent discussion with the bosses and an amicable way forward.

I have since decided not to pursue the travel writing for Travelstart and even though I'm a little bummed about it, I understand that work practices need to be upheld so instead I'll be using this blog for more than just travel updates.

From time to time, I'll share with you interesting events, travels, musings and new learnings that life has to offer - all in an effort to keep you interested and share my experience of the world with you.

Please do feel free to let me know what you'd most like to read about as I'd like to start offering you discussions that you would want to partake in. Remember blogs do more than entertain and inform and I'd like to really hone in on the social networking phenomenon that's taking place in SA by allowing, you my readers to also get involved.

Now for some travel news: My latest long weekend was spent with family in Pietermaritzburg and Durban. I love the fresh perspective a holiday can give you and I got just that along with honing my Guitar Hero 3 Xbox gaming skills.

I'm absolutely addicted to that game and have been flirting with the idea of buying a Nintendo Wii so I can play interactive games with friends and family to my hearts content. Off course I'd have to fight off the serious urge I have on going big for my 25th that's coming up in a month's time so woe is me, I've got some decision-making to do.

What did you get up to this long weekend? Tell me, I'd really love to know and get some ideas for lazy winter weekends indoors.

Btw- I've started reading again. A fantastic start before Winter huh? I thought so;-)